View Outside My Window

Drawing II 

Murphy/ Lehigh AAD

What to include in your drawing:

  1. Use a full sheet of sketchbook paper or printer paper and fill the page with your composition.
  2. Include the window frame and sill in your drawing. This will create an interior & exterior space.
  3. What is happening outside your window? Landscape, apartment buildings, sky, telephone pole and wires? Include it all.
  4. Employ at least two different types of mark making techniques: contour line, cross hatching, pointillism, stippling, hatch marks etc…
  5. Use at least 3 value ranges from light, medium to dark.

Title it: View from Outside my window in _town, state_________ and upload to our blog. Tag with your name and project description.


Your choice of drawing medium. You may use a pencil for the entire drawing, I suggest 2B and HB or you can use a micron pen or ball point pen after your pencil sketch is complete. 

Due: Feb 9


Artists that use windows as a formal compositional device:

  • Matisse
  • Bonnard
  • John Moore
  • Loiuse Dodd
  • Sangram Majumdar
  • Jane Freilicher