Drawing II
Murphy/ Lehigh AAD

What to include in your drawing:
- Use a full sheet of sketchbook paper or printer paper and fill the page with your composition.
- Include the window frame and sill in your drawing. This will create an interior & exterior space.
- What is happening outside your window? Landscape, apartment buildings, sky, telephone pole and wires? Include it all.
- Employ at least two different types of mark making techniques: contour line, cross hatching, pointillism, stippling, hatch marks etc…
- Use at least 3 value ranges from light, medium to dark.
Title it: View from Outside my window in _town, state_________ and upload to our blog. Tag with your name and project description.
Your choice of drawing medium. You may use a pencil for the entire drawing, I suggest 2B and HB or you can use a micron pen or ball point pen after your pencil sketch is complete.
Due: Feb 9
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwkvQBG2f5U
- NY Times Article Windows of the World
- Deirdre Murphy Pinterest WIndow Drawing Board

Artists that use windows as a formal compositional device:
- Matisse
- Bonnard
- John Moore
- Loiuse Dodd
- Sangram Majumdar
- Jane Freilicher