View Outside My Window – Oof

I am not a huge fan of either of these, and the ink one is definitely unfinished, but I had spent a lot of time on both and needed to start work on other assignments. But hey, at least this one isn’t graded!

View outside my window Ellis

I actually took the picture a little higher than my line of sight which is made obvious by the telephone wires that you can see the top of in my drawing but not in the picture.

View Outside My Window in Bethlehem, PA

This is my view outside my window project, but it is incomplete. It took me a lot of time to get the proportions right and the values were a little overwhelming in some areas. I utilized a grid feature and edited my picture so it was black and white to help in these areas.

Profile Post

Hi everyone, my name is Benjamin and I am a senior product design major and entrepreneurship minor here at Lehigh. I grew up on a small ranch in Wyoming but plan to move to Boston, MA post graduation. My hobbies include skiing, wake surfing and working on cars. I look forward to getting to know …

About Ellis Rugazoora

Name: Ellis (pronounced like Ellis Island) Rugazoora Major: Mechanical Engineering Year: Class of 20(on my way out)21 Where am I from? Kampala, Uganda the land of milk and honey Favorite sport rankings: 1) Soccer 2) Basketball 3) A combination Interesting facts? I recently learned how to bake cookies out of my Christmas break boredom and …

About Darien Hersh

Hi, I am a junior at Lehigh from Cleveland Ohio. While taking drawing 1 first semester last year, I noticed that for the first time like-ever, I legitimately was enjoying my school work. I suddenly sort of realized that I wanted to continue taking classes with a focus on creating and decided on declaring as …

About Izy

I’m a Graphic Design Major, and a sophomore at Lehigh. I’m from Westchester, NY where I used to play the flute and piccolo but not so much anymore. Here’s some of my previous work from last semester This is from a Highschool photography assignment