We will learn to accurately measure and estimate the height and width of an object using a pencil as a measuring tool and a drawing implement.
Draw one object, measure the height and width. Draw the object SIGHT SIZE or larger.
Hint-take a photo with your phone and crop the image to fit around the object, then screen save with the grid superimposed. Draw from observation and use your photo to fact check the H x W.
Added challenge: Draw 2 or 3 objects in relationship to one another, a still life.
Sighting PROCESS:
1) Hold your body rigid and extend your dominant arm (usually the right arm), pencil in your hand, to its full length.
2) Place your thumb against the pencil as a gauge.
3) Bring the pencil on a line with your eye and the object that you are measuring.
4) Try to find one part by which you can then measure the rest of the object. This is called your UNIT of MEASURE (the head of the animal)
5) Once you find a part to which to measure the rest of the parts of the object, you can then proceed to put in the object’s details, still using the same scale of measurement in which you established.