Micro Macro Diptych

Value and Texture Assignment

Drawing II Murphy / Lehigh AAD

Create a diptych to explore an object’s value and texture. You must use 2 sheets of pastel paper and plan out your overall composition. The feeling of macro and micro should be apparent. This is a diptych, which means a work of art that  consists of 2 individual but related images. The compositions do not have to link or match up however, the overall design should be considered.

You may choose and object from nature: 

  • a selection of fruit / then cut it up and go macro
  • House plant / leaf or stem study
  • Bowl of leftover pasta / close up study

or machine made

  • Your bike / gears on the bike /tire treads
  • Your backpack / zipper & pockets


Charcoal Pencils

2 pieces of Charcoal Paper (your choice of color)



Find an object, or collection of objects that you will do a compositional drawing of and micro / close up texture study. Make sure to have at least 5 values ranging from black to white and midtones. Choose either a horizontal or vertical format. Focus on creating texture through mark making experimentation, use your sketchbook to try out different compositional arrangements and marks to create the feeling of the objects. Close your eyes and draw blind, what does the object feel like and how can you convey that feeling through textural mark making.


Joan Wadleigh Curran