Category: Students

Mapping Project Brainstorm

My current idea is to attempt to “map my dreams”. This first mentor artist is Neil Spiller. I want to possibly do a “triptych” that explores the three levels of consciousness/dreaming (Wake with Eyes closed, Lucid, and non-lucid REM sleep) in a surrealist way while also following the scans of the brain during lucid sleep.

Extra Drawing Assignment

Here is the link to the video tutorial for drawing a lavender rose in colored pencil. ( ) The video was not the best because he doesn’t really give instruction but it taught me how to make my own judgment of colors, light and shadowing. I also got more practice using the white colored …

Colored Pencils in Colored Water

The lighting when I take final photos are always dark/dull so in one of the above pictures I increased the brightness using the iphone picture settings. And I think it made it look closer to the original.