1. Katelyn McNamara says:

    This was such a cool idea to use tin foil as the backdrop for your still life- it has the coolest effect on the yellow cup! I think this will be a really challenging and fun drawing for you and I can’t wait to see how you handle the translucency and reflections with colored pencil.

  2. Afiwa says:

    This drawing is sick!!! It radiates such warm, beautiful energy. I love all the mark-making that is going on in the background. I can feel the crunching and the texture of the tinfoil just by looking at the drawing. Very nice work!!

  3. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Mysterious, cool and energetic drawing! It looks like it is Damascus steel-terrific texture and transparency. Bravo!

  4. Matthew says:

    There’s a really compelling chaotic energy behind the textures and aggressive value shifts in this drawing. The minimal use of color helps make the drawing more compositionally interesting and dark. I really love the background textures created by the reflections on the aluminum foil. The bottle is also super accurate, although the cup is warped a little bit at the bottom. Great job!

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