1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    So fabulous! Keep posting your progress shots.

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Amazing job so far Afiwa!! This is so impressive. I love your composition it is so whimsical and colorful- exactly what this assignment is looking for. I think your use of the colored pencils to shade and create volume is also really well done. The only thing I would suggest focusing on is to try to capture the translucency and reflectivity of the glass in the yellow bottle and the flower (maybe by adding bright white spots). Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

  3. Deirdre Murphy says:

    This is your best work to date-I am so impressed! The luminosity in the lanterns and color changes is remarkable. I look forward to seeing how the subtle grays in the mirror will enhance your saturated colors. I think you need to do a painting like this next!

  4. J says:

    Wow, you are a natural at this!! You can really see the glow from the lanterns, and the amount of color you managed to get in that glass flower stem is just impressive! The color in the flower itself also shows a lot of control and thought. A lot of it is very light, so there is not a lot of room for error. But you put a lot of thought into where you were going to place each little shape and color. Great job so far. 😀

  5. Deirdre Murphy says:

    That cupcake is amazing! The neutral tones are sublime! I can’t wait to see the finished product!

  6. Matthew says:

    My favorite parts of this drawing are the bow, the lighting glowing through the paper lamp, and the surprisingly emotive colors and strokes on the glass flower stem. Your composition is also beautiful. Great work!

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