Micro & Macro Diptych

WIP – working on reductive
I can’t draw Mickey to save my life but I tried – not pictured is a fixed shadow


  1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Looking forward to seeing your finished drawing.

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Super smart to develop your texture with reductive techniques. I also find it really fun to use the eraser to develop patterns such as fabric and weaving. Excited to see how these turn out- I hope the texture and values really pop. With the zoomed-out drawing, I would suggest you find ways to make the composition more compelling as right now it is such a dark, singular object in the middle of the page. Good progress so far.

  3. Afiwa says:

    The beanie looks so amazing!! I love the way you took that last picture. Not sure if it was intentional but having the sunlight at the side gives the impression of the beanie being hung on a white wall; which I think is beautiful.

    For the macro one, I recommend you follow the diagonal lines in Mickey while reducing the charcoal. I think the difference in the lines’ direction captures the feeling of front and back. Also, this is the cutest Mickey Mouse I have ever seen and I think it will definitely save your life.

  4. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Looking good. Please post the final version.

  5. Matthew says:

    I’m impressed at how much of the texture in the hat you can see in the macro drawing . I get the sense that I could see even more if the lighting in the photo was a little brighter. The micro drawing is very well-composed, although I think using value reductive might have limited your options in regards to adding textural detail.

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