1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    I hope you were able to apply the crit help from class last week to finish up your drawing. There were some good value ideas for the sneaker and cologne drawing. Looking forward to seeing how you resolved the diptych about value, pattern and texture.

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Wow good work on the bottom of the shoe. I think it was a really smart composition to have it at that angle. The curve that goes through the bottom of it also helps draw your eye from one end of the drawing to the other. I am interested to see how you decide to begin adding value to the zoomed-out drawing. As was mentioned in critique, I think you might want to include the dark background from the photo so that the white objects really pop.

  3. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Good work resolving the diptych. Please re-photograph and crop out the dirty edges. Look at Andreas final presentation photo for guidance. We only want to see the drawing and presented as a diptych, side by side horizontal or stacked vertical. Thanks

  4. Matthew says:

    The composition of the micro drawing is really strong. There’s such a substantial sense of perspective presented both by the converging lines and the shrinking ridges of the sole. The shading is super realistic as well. The composition of the macro drawing is pretty strong as well, although there’s a bit less detail put into the shading and texture of the shoe. I really like the texture of the table, though.

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