1. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Great job with these sketches! I think this is great to show your process of understanding the still life before going and and creating the final large drawing. For the final drawing, I would keep a lot of what you learned from these studies in mind, I think you did a great job with the lamp and the stack of dvd’s.

    When you complete the final drawing, I would suggest using grid lines to help you orient the drawing to the larger scale. In addition, one of the differences for the final drawing will be to clean up the lines in the end and make them less “sketchy” and having variation of weight. More prominent or closer objects can have a heavier weight and lines in the background can be lighter.

    I look forward to seeing how you tackle the glasses and the cord in the final drawing, those seem like the most challenging objects to get the correct perspective.

  2. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Izzy, did you post your final drawing? The process shots look good but I don’t see much in the way of analytical sight lines and measuring of form and composition. You can carry those techniques in other drawings if that works out better for you. Just let me know.

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