1. J says:

    That is looking great so far! I can really see the mark-making and texture in the little fabric parts. Great job! 😀

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    This drawing is coming out so well so far! You have totally captured the texture of the shoes based on the photo and I love the composition you chose. The one thing I might suggest is to see if you can create a greater range of values by darkening some parts (maybe on the underside of the shoe on the right). I think it was a good idea to include the shadow under the shoe on the left, but I would continue to work on it, maybe making it more smooth if possible. It could also help to make that shadow seem more believable if you also include the shadows on the top edge of the photo. Really great job on the texture and mark making! For your more zoomed-in drawing it might be nice to continue your exploration of texture by zooming on some of the textures that most interest you (could be the shoe laces, the stitching, the sole of the shoe). Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

    1. Deirdre Murphy says:

      Right on! You are such a good art critic!

  3. Alyssa says:

    The detail on the macro drawing is amazing. You really captured the depth and round edges of the sneakers well, the little details like the arrow on the left shoe look incredible too! I agree with Katelyn, I think broadening your value range a little, especially with the darker shadows and contour lines, will really sharpen the piece.

  4. Matthew says:

    The shading on the shoes is so delicate and soft-looking – it’s really impressive. The close-up also looks like it’s coming along really nicely – there’s a very satisfying thickness to the laces. If the texture work on the close-up looks anything like how it looks on the full drawing of the shoes, I’m sure it will turn out excellent.

  5. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Your team is coaching you in the right direction and your drawings are OUT OF SIGHT! Can’t wait to see them finished. Keep it up-you are almost there and it will be so worth it.

  6. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Wow I love the finished zoomed out drawing- so realistic and the changes you made really helped to bring out the contrast and amazing textures you developed. I can already tell that your macro drawing is going to be great! The texture of the fabric already looks so realistic and the composition is super dynamic. Great work!

  7. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Which are the final two drawings? Did you go back and add a bit for value the sneakers? Wonderful job on this diptych!

    1. Andrea says:

      Thank you! I labeled the pictures to say that they are final. I also added more value for the sneaker but since I didn’t take it with the same lighting as some of the progress pictures, some values come across as lighter. I’m am wondering if I have to take another final picture of the sneaker to try to capture some of the darker values.

  8. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Thanks for clarifying-you are all set. Thanks for making those small value changes, they definitely brought the drawing to completion. Wonderful resolution to the diptych drawing assignment.

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