1. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Love this macro drawing so far. It is amazing to me that you have achieved such a smooth effect with the charcoal that it almost looks like a very light watercolor or ink painting. I can’t wait to see how you develop this more and how you tackle where to stop with the thatching. I would encourage you to think about how to create the most compelling negative space shapes along the edges. I am also wonder if you are planning on bringing in some of the palm tree pattern onto your simple thatch. I think it could be really interesting and leave the viewer wondering.

    With your zoomed out drawing, I will be interested to see how you continue the hat texture on such a smaller scale and which exact elements from your photo you will be including. The window in the background? The drawing on the sketchpad you have been working on (that could be a cool effect)? Excited to see how these turn out!

  2. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Looking forward to seeing how you resolve the diptych from our class crit last week. Katelyn has some interesting points in her comments that you might be able to employ in the drawing. Keep up the good work.

  3. Katelyn McNamara says:

    I love that you have continued this soft drawing quality in the second drawing. Really beautiful to look at. I think you have chosen some tough perspectives to draw from observation (angles of the ruler and the succulent) so props for challenging yourself. I think it was smart to not include the tiny texture of the thatching on the hat in the second drawing because it would have been too much. Next step I think might be to try to ground the drawing with a something in the background so they are not in the middle of plain white space.

  4. Afiwa says:

    I agree with Katelyn on the smooth effect of your charcoal use; that’s very impressive!! Building on her comment, I suggest, for the micro, you add the cast shadow of the hat and darken the bottom of the succulent pot (the long side of the pot that is at the bottom of the drawing). Right now they look like they are floating; I think incorporating these suggestions will ground them. Terrific work overall!!

  5. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Please re-photograph the micro drawing in better light and then present them in your final order. See Andreas’ final photo presentation of both drawings in one image.

  6. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Are you finished with the Macro drawing? Looks good but the hat is missing a shadow.

  7. Matthew says:

    The shading on your macro drawing is incredibly subtle and delicate. The choice to let the texture fade to white on the sides is also really compositionally compelling. Meanwhile, the hat and succulent are also really delicately shaded and rendered. I think that drawing would benefit more from some crisper contours at the bottom of the hat and a more dynamic range of values throughout. Great work!

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