1. J says:

    (so that’s how you spell it. That makes sense)
    Such neat texture! Looking forward to seeing your progress on it!

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Nice start! I think the outlining and developing the shapes of the scrunchies is coming out well so far. I think it is going to be really fun to start adding the value and creating that 3D look. It will also be a challenge to play with the texture and mark making of the fabric, which I think could be really beautiful. I like how simple the composition of the three scrunchies is but yet it works so nicely. Definitely think zooming in on the fabric was really smart, there is so much to go off of. I think the key with the macro drawing will be to make sure that while you create nice texture for the fabric that you also develop the overall value of the drawing so that it doesn’t appear flat and has good contrast with lights and darks.

  3. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Please keep posting your process shot. I look forward to seeing how you resolve the diptych drawing which focuses on a rich range of values that show pattern and texture.

  4. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Love the progress. Looking forward to seeing the final presentation.

  5. Deirdre Murphy says:

    I love the final knit wear close up! It is so textural and completes the diptych. The smaller diptych format is called a predella that dates back to the Middle Ages and was used in religious paintings.

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