1. J says:

    The birdhouse is turning out so well. The angles are pretty spot-on. I don’t have any tips on the … eggs (??), but I may have one for the circles of the candlestick (???). You could try to trace a square that touches each edge of the circle on the bottom part of the object, and then draw that angled square on your page. Then, draw a circle that fits in the square to where the top, bottom, and sides touch, like they would on the image. Then you can do that for the other circles (like at the top, and whatever that weird sphere is a bit above the bottom)

    I’m not great at explaining things, but I hope this helps! I have a lot of trouble with circles, and understand the pain drawing them can be. Regardless, this is looking good so far!

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Darien, nice start with this drawing! I think your birdhouse and the leg of the table are great and very accurate. I am happy that you challenged yourself with the curved elements such as the black spheres and the candlestick. I would go and maybe keep practicing the candlestick and edges on a separate piece of paper or even trace the shape on your photo to get the sense of the shape better. And once you feel like you understand that anatomy, I would go in and edit those objects on your main drawing, keeping in mind your practice studies and checking in with the photo.

    I also think that right now the objects seem to be floating in space. Adding the angle of the table will help to ground the drawing and activate the left side of the paper.

  3. Matthew says:

    Your line work is really, really clean, especially on the straight lines. Everything seems to be a very accurate recreation of the reference. My favorite part of the drawing is the little loop of string on top of the birdhouse. Now that you’ve perfected the contours of everything, I would suggest trying to add value and mark-making to really make the image pop.

  4. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Darien, I really like how you resolved the drawing with only one black plum and the black ellipse of the bird house. Please reshoot the drawing with good lighting and then repost or get rid of the drop shadow at the bottom. Nice work!

  5. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Such great progress from the initial sketch. I think you were really able to fix those curves and I love how you played with value on the egg shape and by including the darks of the birdhouse holes as Deirdre mentioned. Great work!

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