1. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Hi Alyssa! Great work on this still life. I think your composition is balanced. I like that you have cropped some objects at the edge, and some you have left open to the edge of the paper in order to create compelling negative space shapes.

    It seems that the perspective of the bird house in the upper left corner is a bit off, the lines seem like they should be straightened to be parallel with the grid, and right now they are slightly off.

    Also, once you feel like you have gotten the right outline of each of your objects, I might go in and clean up those lines. It helps to make a more dynamic piece if you have varying line weights. Maybe the closer and more prominent objects could have a heavier weighted line and those in the background could fade out a bit with a thinner line.

  2. Andrea says:

    Hey Alyssa! I think it looks good. The perspective looks realistic and the shape of the pear and the ellipse of the trashcan is way better than what I could have done. If I were to say anything it would be to erase or lighten up the construction lines because it distracts from the real image. Otherwise, great job!

  3. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Good work on this drawing-I know it was a struggle as we were bounced from in person to remote and back again! Cropped composition and use of analytical lines worked well as did your tenacity to get the perspective correct. I love seeing the history of your process in the drawing. Keep up the good work!

  4. Katelyn McNamara says:

    I think you have done a great job cleaning up your lines and working on the proportions of the objects. I think your perspectives all look much better/correct. I know you were frustrated that some of the earlier lines you erased wouldn’t go away completely but I think it was important to correct them and it is great to see how the drawing evolved and changed. It really looks like you put a lot of work and time into it so great job!

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