1. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Wow! Amazing job with the shading! I think you have created a beautiful composition by choosing a really compelling assortment of objects and placing them in a dynamic way. I love that you chose to use a dark background- it really helps the objects in the still life stand out. Great use of mark making to differentiate textures such as the fabric versus the geometric objects. Really impressive and shows your understanding of value and creation of form.

  2. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Well done translation of an existing drawing-which is no small feat. You show an understanding of value as a tool to make volume, space and composition. Good variety of mark making as well. Keep up the good work!

  3. Matthew says:

    The coarse textures and detailed shading in this drawing make it feel really dramatic, which I love. The proportions of everything look accurate, and I like how the margin on the page makes it kind of look like the drawing is being viewed through a window. Great work!

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