1. J says:

    Wow, that looks like it’s gonna be interesting to draw. There is a lot of detail there, and a ton of odd shapes that’ll be fun to mess around with.
    Good luck! Remember to stretch your wrists! (I say this because mine currently hurt, and it is not a fun lesson to learn the hard way) Have fun!

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Matthew, nice start. I like how detailed and precise you are being in this drawing by using the regular grid and a ruler to outline each of the objects in your drawing. I also think this will be a very interesting composition with all of the small objects. It may seem overwhelming to include every single object, so I would encourage you to edit it down and only include the ones you feel really contribute to the composition.

    Next step I think will be to start shading and adding value. What always helps me is to start by figuring out where the darkest darks and the lightest lights are and start drawing those in. The middle range values can be very hard and get muddled so I think you can get to those after figuring out the more extreme darks and lights. I am excited to see how this turns out and what you decide to choose to zoom in on for your macro drawing!

  3. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Matthew, did you wind up finishing this drawing? If so, can you post the final picture? No need to add value, just a few focal points in the composition with weighted line. I think the subject matter of closet might have been overwhelming so please do edit, edit and edit some more. Just consider 3 focal points: one in the foreground, one in the mid ground and one in the background. Do those in weighted line and consider it done.

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