1 Comment

  1. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Matthew, I think this is a good start. I like that you have lightly sketched in the basic shape of each object to place where it will go and start to get a sense of the perspective. Good composition- it activates each of the edges. However, I would suggest adding the smaller birdhouse in the back because that space seems like it is missing something.

    I think the next step will be to start to permanently define each of the objects with clean weighted lines. You can even use a ruler for some of the orthogonal objects. I also think you can add some of the more important details on the birdhouse, the bucket, and the fruits to make it a more finished-looking piece. Ellis did a great job with just clean, simple, weighted lines, so I would suggest you go take a look and see if his drawing can inspire you!

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