About J Buffington

Hello! My name is J Buffington (they/them), and I am an Art/Political Science double major. This is my first year at Lehigh, but I will be fully remote this semester, staying in Tennessee with my family. I am not a part of many school-related events besides LGBTQ+ pride clubs and a few weekly DnD sessions. Most of my free time is instead used to work on art or play games like Minecraft and Stardew Valley.

Here are some examples of my work!

The above are examples of my art from my Drawing I class. Below are little sketches that I’ve done on my own. They are just for fun and experimenting with mediums (such as markers and colored pens). I think they are funky lil doodles (plus one gift I did for a friend, at the bottom), so I wanted to share!

Thank you for viewing! I’m excited for class 😀

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