1. Afiwa says:

    This is looking AMAZING!!!! The way you’re applying the charcoal provokes such an evocative vibe; the imagery is strong and grasps the admirer into this awesome world of texture and wonder. I love it!!!

  2. Katelyn McNamara says:

    Andrea! This portrait is amazing, the likeness to the photo is just spot-on! I am very curious how you plan to start adding the eye veins and color blocked shapes. First, do you have a plan to lightly sketch the shapes or test it before officially adding it to your beautiful portrait? And second, what materials do you plan to use for those elements. Just keep in mind which kinds of materials might show up well on top of the charcoal (not sure about pen, marker or, colored pencil, but paint and pastels may work?). You may have to do some material testing on top of charcoal. Really looking forward to this finished piece!

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